Borin Van Loon

Borin Van Loon (born 1951 in East Anglia) is a British illustrator and comic book artist, best known for his illustrations for the ''Introducing...'' series of graphic books on complex subjects. He is an author, collagist, and surrealist painter, and has worked for a wide variety of clients in editorial, publishing and promotion. He has created an eclectic collage/cartoon mural on the subject of DNA and genetics for the Health Matters Gallery in London's Science Museum.

Van Loon published ''The Bart Dickon Omnibus'' of his hero's derring-do in 2005 comprising a surrealist collage graphic novel. Roger Sabin, a writer about comics and lecturer at Central St. Martins in London, England, said of the Bart Dickon series: }}

Van Loon's collage comic strip approach to storytelling relies almost solely upon found images, serendipity in research, and the use of a narrative to bind the images, speech and thought bubbles, and text boxes together. The roots of collage comic-strip can be found in the sound-collage experiments of Ron Geesin, the animations of Monty Python (during the Terry Gilliam era), the surrealist novels of Max Ernst (Une Semaine de Bonté and 'La femme de 100 têtes), the agit-prop visuals of the Situationists, the psychedelic posters and graphics of Martin Sharp and the satires of Biff.

Originally appearing as separate strips under the title 'A Severed Head' (a nod to the Iris Murdoch novel), Bart Dickon appeared in Brain Damage, Talking Turkey, Sun Zoom Spark and The Chap magazines. The author gathered a number of these comics, reworked and added new material to create a graphic novella.

Van Loon illustrated ''Capitalism for Beginners'', ''Darwin for Beginners'', and ''DNA for Beginners'' (in eclectic documentary comic book format) for Writers and Readers in the early 1980s. He has since has illustrated more than a dozen entries in the ''Introducing...'' series, published by Icon Books in the UK, including four titles written by Ziauddin Sardar.

Van Loon has written, designed and illustrated two model-making books: ''DNA: The Marvellous Molecule'', which enables the reader to build a colour model of the ''double-helix'' structure discovered in 1953 by Francis Crick and James D. Watson with Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin; and ''Geodesic Domes'', where the models celebrate the pioneering work of Buckminster Fuller. He also painted many oil studies and designed the diagrams for the ''Letts Pocket Guide To The Weather''.

''/blankpage'' was a collaborative project with sixteen other artists belonging to Freelance (which Borin chairs) created for Ip-Art 2004. It consisted of a book as an art object with pages in widely varying media, all put together by a bookbinder. ''/blankpage'' now has a permanent home in the Suffolk Record Office, Ipswich. Provided by Wikipedia
by Hope, Jane
Published 2009
Located: Sivanath Sastri College
Call Number: 294.3 H771
Other Authors: '; ...Loon, Borin Van...