Table of Contents:
  • Impossible trinity revisited : lessons and policy implications for India and other emerging economies / Anil Bisen
  • Refocusing the union budget : fiscal imperatives and some other issues / Rajeev Malhotra
  • Is India's inflation inflated? / Gopal Singh Negi
  • Is India's real effective exchange rate in line with economic fundamentals? / R. Sathish
  • Financial sector reforms : refining the architecture / C.K.G. Nair
  • Financial inclusion in rural areas and microfinance : issues, constraints, and policy options / K.K. Tripathy
  • Role of competition law and policy in making markets competitive / Seema Gaur
  • Does privatization lead to benign outcomes? The Indian experience and policy lessons / Kumar V. Pratap
  • Accelerating manufacturing growth : promise of the new manufacturing policy and beyond / M.C. Singhi and Rajeev Malhotra
  • Labour laws : are they holding back manufacturing sector growth and employment in India? / Vinita Kumar
  • Breaking the glass ceiling : unleashing the potential of the informal sector / Anandi Subramanian
  • Insurance as a tool for adaptation to climate change in India / Amit Ray and Rajasree Ray
  • Managing India's demographic dividend : policy imperatives for the social sector and urban development / Arvinder S. Sachdeva
  • Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act : intentions, practice, and correctives for the future / N.K. Sinha
  • Infrastructure development : recent experience and challenges ahead / Anna Roy
  • India's regional trade agreements and prospects of Asian economic integration / Birendra Kumar Pandey
  • Improving public service delivery : building a new Aadhaar for a billion plus / Devajit Khound.